Posted in thursday pedagogy

Thursday Pedagogy 26.6.14

Why do action movie directors try to show women as stupid? to give their heroes a more macho image? saving themselves and their dim-witted pretty babes?

As a woman it really infuriates me to see those beauties without brain strutting around doing the things which a dog wont do in those circumstances…

Right now I am watching waterworld, and in it a woman shots a harpoon (the ones which are tied to the boat with iron ropes) at an aeroplane carrying hostile barbarians… come on! give me a break! she was not teleported to that world, she has been surviving there, dragging along a small kid with her, so, what was she trying to do? bring down a burning plane on the boat in waterworld? where that boat was there lifeline and home?

From where do they get the inspiration of these women?



A bookworm transformed into an addicted writer. I love to write and illustrate them myself. By love I mean love, no half-hearted relationship, a full-fledged, passionate love, I can’t pass two days in a stretch without writing/painting (cyber), just feel empty like lovers do when their lovers are away on a tour! Even though I am thoroughly enjoying self-publishing with amazon, but if you like my work and want to publish my works in your magazine, books or better if you want to publish a book of my works please make me very happy by contacting me. Or if you want to sell my works on commission basis only!! contact me, I will be quite relieved. Honestly writing and selling your own work is a very BORING combination. So you are more than welcome! Mail me, or go to- my blog (I have 16 blogs in wordpress, all active, some on daily basis, every one on weekly basis screaming and vowing my LOVE for writing and painting- this one is first-born, so special) (You will get the link to my remaining blogs there) or you can check out my ezines- monthly- And if you want fb you can go to my page, linkedin- my email id and I am in goodreads and completelynovel too I guess I said enough about myself, right? You will forget if I stuff too much here, so if you are curious to know this humble creature just join me in my blogs :)

8 thoughts on “Thursday Pedagogy 26.6.14

    1. exactly- its been too long since men has been telling our stories… we need more women writers too… one who will write about real women not aphrodites and damsels in distress.

  1. I guess the exception that proves the rule would be Katniss Everdeen, perhaps the most iconic and admirable character of recent years in movies. Also, I was very impressed when I saw “American Hustle” that the Amy Adams character clearly was the strongest in the movie. If you want to go back in time to 1977, check out “Julia” with two strong and amazing performances by Vanessa Redgrave (Oscar winner) and Jane Fonda (Oscar nominee). It will give you an idea of what would be possible–and it’s a great flick, too!

      1. Perhaps you’d be interested in something I posted about Katniss. And about Julia.

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